Class minutes for February 2nd:
• Shared a communal meal at the Sustainability House
• Kurt and Kremena will be in NYC next week
• Workshop with Bianca: Writing What You Know
◦ List 5 things you can remember seeing today
◦ Circle the most memorable and free write about it; Why did it stand out in your mind?
◦ Voluntarily shared what we wrote
◦ Draw a tree with your eyes closed and the hand you don't normally write with—this is the tree you carry in your heart
◦ Write a descrpition of the tree you just attempted to draw
◦ Adopt a community tree and write about it; email to Bianca and she'll send you thoughts back
◦ Empty out your purse, wallet, etc. and close your eyes. Pick out 3 things and write about them
◦ Pick one last item—write and ode to it, incorporating at least one of the other three
◦ Point of exercise was to celebrate the little things in life
◦ Things like these exercises can spark ideas, feelings, etc. that you forgot were there that can lead to a complex This I Believe Essay
◦ Community prompt: List 10 wrods at top of sheet that you associate with fear. Cross the first one out and free-write about it. Passed 5 times
◦ Point was to show collaboration: Working with a community you're going to be wading through lots of people's fears—Bianca hopes that we realize we have universial experiences even if we are leading very individual lives
• Clay read his This I Believe essay
This I Believe #7
5 years ago
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